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Benefits to families

Taking part in Forest School programmes can develop children and young people's confidence in spending time in the natural world, as well as providing ideas and starting points for their play and exploration which are then continued at home. Children may want to play outside more and encourage their family to visit local natural spaces and share their ideas and skills. Access to natural areas and undertaking the play activities is often free or at very low cost, making it accessible to all.


Some Forest School programmes involve the parents or wider family directly by inviting all to participate. The Forest School ethos can support parents to understand more about their child, encouraging observation and perceiving the world from the child’s eyes. Forest School practitioners provide a model for interacting, playing and supporting their child’s development in a stress reducing environment. Programmes may also help give parents ideas and develop their outdoor skills which can then be shared with their child.


A number of Forest Schools are being run with families in Norfolk, please read an evaluative report of one in Norwich here.

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